Lo sapevo! “Continued Exposure to Bad News May Prevent a Bad Mood” http://bit.ly/1eVaeYP venerdì 6 Dicembre 2013 In Roba trovata in giro Fonte http://bit.ly/1eVaeYP #Segnalazioni lampo Gli scacchi insegnano: “1.Don’t ever be afraid of your opponent 2. Fight as hard as you can until the game is over” http://bit.ly/1ju8F7D Dai mo’, early-riser…! “5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 AM” http://bit.ly/1eV9zXk Lascia un commento Annulla rispostaCommento * Nome * Email * Sito web Δ Articoli correlati Radio2: chiude Dispenser Un sincero dolore Fixed Gear Trackstand Variations 2010 Oroscopo a casaccio per l’estate 2011 [www.akille.net]