RT @FAOstatistics: Where are the 805 million people who are chronically undernourished in the world? #hunger http://bit.ly/1zWXNtD domenica 2 Novembre 2014 In Roba trovata in giro Fonte http://bit.ly/1zWXNtD #Segnalazioni lampo “Hills are filled with fire…” http://t.co/YpBL87cAEw RT @FAOstatistics: Where are the 805 million people who are chronically undernourished in the world? #hunger http://t.co/w4h417dYxE Lascia un commento Annulla rispostaCommento * Nome * Email * Sito web Δ Articoli correlati Confirmation Bias [youarenotsosmart.com] Attenzione, caduta ritmi Watch a Demonstration of the World’s Fastest Shoelace Knot [www.lifehacker.com] Questa roba mi fa uscire pazzo.(via headintheozone)